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We have all been there. Maybe you went out of town for a weekend getaway, feasted on potato salad and hot dogs at a barbecue or over-indulged at a birthday celebration and inevitably paid the price for it afterward (hello, inflammation). While it’s fun to indulge in moderation, the side effects are anything but enjoyable and often leave you feeling groggy, bloated and uncomfortable for days afterward.

While I try to keep my indulging to a minimum, there are times it gets the best of me and yes, I wake up the next day feeling less than my best. When this happens I try not to beat myself up over it. Instead, I offer myself a bit of grace and whip up my go-to anti-inflammatory smoothie for breakfast.

I am a self-proclaimed smoothie lover, and conveniently, some of the best smoothie ingredients, like berries, and broccoli, are also some of the best foods to fight inflammation. Berries contain antioxidants called anthocyanins, which have anti-inflammatory benefits and may help lower your risk of disease and broccoli is abundant in sulforaphane, an antioxidant that combats inflammation.

Anti-inflammatory Smoothie Ingredients

1/2 cup organic frozen strawberries

1/2 cup organic frozen blueberries

1/4 organic frozen raspberries

1/4 organic frozen blackberries

1 large handful of organic kale

1/2 cup organic broccoli

1 teaspoon chia seeds

3/4 cup purified water (you can also substitute with your favorite non-dairy milk)


Add berries, kale, broccoli, chia seeds and purified water to blender and mix until the smoothie reaches your desired consistency. Please note, you can add more water if you prefer a smoother consistency or substitute water with your favorite non-dairy milk for a creamier smoothie. Pour into a frosty glass, top with fresh blueberries or raspberries and enjoy! This recipe yields 2-4 servings.

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Are you interested in trying some more anti-inflammatory recipes?

Check out my Immune Boosting Summer Salad here!