Homeopathy can be a polarizing topic in today’s world. Is it helpful to integrate natural treatment into one’s life? Should we look to natural solutions for supporting and healing our bodies? Or should we ignore homeopathic providers altogether?

It can feel like a vulnerable decision to venture from conventional medicine (allopathic) toward a more natural or homeopathic approach. However, it is worth everyone’s time to consider the benefits of having a homeopathic practitioner on their side.

First Things First When Considering Natural Medicine

The meaning of “homeopathy” can be confusing to some. The homeopathy principles are based on the belief that your body can cure itself, but sometimes it needs a little help to produce the proper effects to introduce healing.

Instead of manipulating or controlling our biology with chemical or manufactured medicines, homeopathy uses the natural processes and responses of the body to promote healthy function. Many homeopathic doctors utilize substances that an otherwise healthy body would react to. They will then administer that substance in minuscule doses to cause the patient’s system to respond favorably, encouraging the body’s healing over time.

Not Sold on Homeopathic Medicine?

What if your traditional medicine practitioner recommended looking into homeopathy because you aren’t getting the desired results with traditional treatments? Is a recommendation from a conventional healthcare provider good enough of an endorsement to explore further?

Like many do before being formally introduced to a more natural path to health, you may ask yourself: Isn’t the whole homeopathic industry a little “willy nilly” with its regulations and licensures? How much scientific evidence is there, really? Can’t people get a license from attending a simple weekend class? How do I know it isn’t just a string of placebo effects? Am I going to experience a plethora of adverse side effects? Do I really want to put my health and my care in the hands of someone who might not know what they are doing? Can someone in naturopathic medicine even have effective solutions?

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I always encourage you to ask the questions! This is your health we are talking about! The best news is that your health is as important to me as you. Knowing how stressful it can be to choose a homeopathic doctor, I even put together a little something for you to help aid your process.

Where To Start Your Search for a Homeopathic Doctor

One thing you should know about selecting the right homeopathic practitioner is something you are already familiar with: asking questions.

While good word of mouth is often an easy way to make helpful connections, what worked for your best friend’s aunt’s hairstylist might not be the best choice for you. Researching a little will be a pivotal part of the process when finding homeopathic medicine that will be an effective treatment for you, your loved ones, or even your furry friends!

Start your research with credentials. You wouldn’t go to a doctor with insufficient credentials for surgery, so the same should apply to natural medicine practitioners. The licensure of your homeopath is going to depend on your state; some states license while others do not. There may be no single national certifying body for homeopaths, but different groups require different types and amounts of training depending on the provider’s background.

For example, a professional homeopath will have upwards of 1,000 hours of classical homeopathic training, whereas physicians and naturopaths may only have 90 hours or less of homeopathic training.

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You can explore the Council for Homeopathic Certification (CHC) when considering the various credentials you will encounter. Another fabulous resource for locating the right practitioner for you is the North American Society of Homeopaths (NASH). This society registers professional homeopaths in the U.S., Canada, and Mexico. To be registered by NASH, homeopaths must first be certified by the CHC, which is an added layer of credentialing for you to feel good about.

We won’t stop our exploration there, though. There is a lot more information to uncover. As mentioned above, asking the right questions and asking for recommendations is a great route to take when embarking on this holistic health adventure.

What Do I Need to Consider When Pursuing Homeopathic Medicine?

Since certification and licensure can vary so greatly, you will want to make sure that you will get your needs met.

Asking integrative practitioners for a reference can be an awesome start. You may also have to schedule a phone consultation with certain practitioners to get more details you require. Others might have the answers to all of your questions on their website.

A wonderful way to start understanding what a homeopathic doctor has to offer you is by asking what kind of training they have. Did they attend a professional program for classical homeopathy, or did they go another route? There are still some excellent and dedicated practitioners who learned primarily through an apprenticeship with a master homeopath.

It would also be pertinent to ask questions such as:

  • How many years have you been practicing?
  • Are there any areas of specialization that make you a unique practitioner?
  • What does your intake or initial assessment process look like?
  • How long do your consultations generally last?
  • Is there a difference between initial consultations and follow-up appointments in terms of length and/or pricing?
  • Do you require blood work or any other panels to be done first?
  • Do you offer remedies in-house, or will I need to purchase remedies elsewhere? If I need to purchase them elsewhere, where do you recommend I do that?
  • What evidence-based trials have you had success with in the past?
  • What is your outlook on a terminal or immediate, life-threatening illness?
  • Since prescription drug coverage does not pay for remedies, what is the average cost of some remedies I might need?

Contemplating The Cost Of Homeopathy

Because homeopathy is not covered by conventional insurance, it is imperative to ask upfront questions about cost. Some homeopathic doctors require full payment at the time of services rendered, while others offer payment plans or packages. It depends on the individual.

You don’t want to find that you could afford the initial consultation, but the follow-up visits and cost of remedies are going to take you beyond your budget. While I think that putting our health first is the most critical choice we make, fiscal limitations need to be considered as well along the way. This may require you to schedule follow-ups at different intervals or seek another provider altogether.

In a metro area, you can expect the typical cost for an initial consultation to vary from about $200 to $400. Follow-up appointments generally fall somewhere between $50 and $150 depending on the issue. I have found that most practitioners are genuinely interested in helping their clients. If they weren’t, they would not have gotten into natural medicine. Some have even been known to trade services instead of requiring payment. But having that discussion about what you can afford and whether or not you need accommodations to be made is an essential part of this process.

Obtaining your homeopathic remedies is another critical consideration. Some homeopathic doctors and naturopathic doctors will sell a particular brand of remedy at their practice or have an online pharmacy they like to utilize based on their experience of quality and customer service. However, other homeopathic medicines and dietary supplements can often be purchased at your local natural grocer or homeopathic market.

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Cooperation is Key When Utilizing Homeopathic Medicine

One more consideration that can be thought of at the top of your priority list is the willingness of your health care professionals to work together. Suppose you have a complex issue treated either with allopathic medicine or even in a clinical trial. In that case, you want to make sure that your doctors are willing to talk to one another.

Just because homeopathic products are natural does not mean they can be used without care, caution, and strict guidelines. Suppose your homeopathic practitioner is so jaded toward allopathic medicine that they won’t even have a chat with your regular physician. In that case, you might want to consider continuing your search for the perfect homeopathic practitioner for you.

Are You Hesitant About Homeopathic Medicine?

I have noticed that people who are unwilling to look into homeopathic treatment have had a bad experience. Let me rephrase that: they had an experience in which no professional guidance was sought, and they didn’t get the results they wanted.

You wouldn’t grab a prescription bottle and just take something that you think is prescribed to help a particular issue…hopefully. There are considerations to be made. Our bodies have different chemistry, and we are all unique with our issues and our sensitivities (or lack thereof). Seeking the proper professional guidance will be key to your success when venturing into homeopathic healing.

Since we get out what we put in, taking that time to understand and invest in selecting your homeopathic provider is the first step on your journey to wellness. Choose wisely, my friends. If you need more guidance, please contact me, and I can help run you through finding the right homeopathic practitioner for you!

Yours in health,