No way, right? OK, this one needs real explaining. Catherine Shanahan, M.D., explains exactly how this can be and is absolutely true in

her newly released and updated book, DEEP NUTRITION. Follow this – you may be really glad you did.

So the dilation response (yes, that one too) depends on endothelial cells lining the blood vessels being healthy enough to generate nitric

oxide that makes arteries dilate. That’s a fact. Dr. Shanahan states, “Male sexual function depends on healthy endothelial function, for reasons that pertain to arterial dilation and the obvious tissue expansion facilitated by such dilation.” Get it?

So what in the heck does that have to do with French Fries, right?

It actually has everything to do with vegetable oils, those refined, bleached, over processed, over heated, deodorized, chemical laden oils that became the substitute for truly healthy fats from animals a couple decades ago. Remember that “low fat” era – that many are still stuck in today? That era should be over and gone with, but marketing ($$$) and the lack of the medical world keeping up has caused it to linger. It also lingers because vegetable oils are cheap cheap cheap and they are ubiquitous. 

Dr. Shanahan sites a study where subjects ate fries and four hours later their blood pressure and endothelial function was tested. Prior to eating the fries, the subjects’ arteries dilated normally, enlarging 7% wider. But after the fries, there was almost zero dilation, less than 1%. 

I quote Dr. Shanahan: “What this test tells us is that after eating food fried in vegetable oil, your blood vessels won’t work right. You may feel lethargic. Men may suffer from temporary ED / Erectile Dysfunction.”

And I’d like to add, ladies, our bodies are not that different! You know what I mean?

So yes, frying in vegetable oil, and eating anything containing vegetable oil, inhibits the tissue expansion ability, which can be associated with the Anti-Viagra effect.

Dr. Shanahan speaks directly to the boys: “If you keep eating foods made with vegetable oil (especially if you eat too much sugar), you’ll damage those endothelial cell so much that even Viagra won’t work anymore.”

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So what oils or fats are good for us? Which ones enhance our health instead of mess it up? Great question. Mother nature makes only good oils and fats, like butter, ghee (clarified butter), coconut oil, olive oil, peanut oil, toasted sesame oil, avocado oil – preferably all organic of course. Even organic lard and tallow are included on the good list. 

In addition to Deep Nutrition, Mark Hyman’s recent book, Eat Fat, Get Thin, is a great resource to learn more about healthy fats and their importance to us! Also, you’ll find Fat for Fuel, just released by Dr. Joseph Mercola, is full of amazing facts about fats and cholesterol.

Shanahan M.D., Catherine. DEEP NUTRITION Why Your Genes Need Traditional Food. New York: Flatiron Books, 2017.