When you hear the word fever, what thoughts first come to mind? Maybe you imagine someone with the chills huddled under a pile of blankets. Or perhaps you think of a child with an ice pack on their forehead and a thermometer sticking out of their mouth. While these thoughts do come to mind for me, the first thing I think of is a group of soldiers, fighting their hardest to protect me from illness.

What is a fever?

When you have a fever, it’s your immune system going into overdrive to protect you from harmful bugs and viruses. Your fever creates an inhospitable environment for invading organisms – and as intimidating as that may sound – it’s a good thing. A fever actually TURNS ON your immune system!

When a fever hits, you have two types of immunity going to work for you. First, you have your cellular immunity. This is your first line of defense where your white blood cells go to work for you. Your white blood cells are like the soldiers I mentioned previously. They defend you from illness, working to get the “bad guys” out of your body.

During a strenuous workout, most people’s bodies become warmer as a result of the hard work they’re taking part in. Similarly, when you have a fever your white blood cells are working hard and therefore become warmer. Having a fever is a natural thing when your body is trying to keep you safe and fight illness on your behalf. Let fever run its course as long as it doesn’t get too high.

You can think of the second side to your immune system, your humoral immunity, as your backup soldiers. You make antibodies on this side of your immunity. Your immune system will remember what you’re fighting so that you’re prepared to fight it again in the future. It’s important both your humoral and cellular immunity work together to keep your immune system strong.

Fevers...Friend or Foe?

What is Glutathione?

Glutathione is the body’s most important endogenous antioxidant, meaning it’s the most important antioxidant that your body makes. Glutathione is a brain protector. Unlike most other antioxidants, glutathione gets through the blood/brain barrier and protects your brain. Acetaminophen can deplete glutathione. If your child gets a vaccine I advise against giving them acetaminophen afterward. Tylenol can deplete glutathione. This powerful endogenous antioxidant:

  • Increases energy
  • Slows down the aging process
  • Protects the immune system
  • Detoxifies the liver and cells
  • Improves mental focus and clarity
  • Aids in managing autism
  • Reduces the effects of stress
  • Improves the skin and helps treat psoriasis
  • Assists athletic performance and recovery


Treating Fevers

In the book, “The Unvaccinated Child: A Treatment Guide for Caregivers and Parents,” it’s stated that:

“Normally children don’t need to be treated for a high fever unless they’re less than three months old. Brain damage will not occur unless a fever is maintained at 107 degrees for a long period of time.”

The book goes on to state that treatment for children with fevers should include, “fluids, bed rest and cool rags,” and that “it’s no longer recommended to give children any type of aspirin during a fever, nor to use cold or ice water bath or alcohol rub.”

*Please note: normal fevers are between 100 and 104 degrees Fahrenheit, EXCEPT FOR IN NEWBORNS UNDER THREE MONTHS. Fevers greater than 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit need to be checked out immediately.

Febrile Illness

According to Dr. Richard Moskowitz, acute childhood illness with fever (febrile illness) can provide protection against chronic disease later in life, autoimmune disease and certain cancers.

A British¹ study found incidence that ovarian cancer was significantly lower in women with a history of having measles, mumps, rubella, or chickenpox in childhood.

A study of European and Israeli melanoma patients² found that those who experienced influenza, pneumonia, and almost any febrile infection earlier in life were significantly less likely to develop melanoma than those who had not roughly in proportion to the number of infections reported.

A Swiss study³ of adults with various cancers showed that those who had measles, mumps, rubella, chickenpox, pertussis or scarlet fever were 20% less likely to develop genital, prostate, GI, skin, lung or ENT cancer if they experience one of these infections. The more infections these adults had previously had, the less likely they were to develop the aforementioned types of cancer.

Explaining Fevers to Children

When my kids were growing up and experiencing low-grade fevers I would explain that it’s okay to have that fever because the “soldiers” in your body and bloodstream are working hard, running and working up a sweat to fight whatever bug or virus they may be experiencing. This helped them realize that fevers can be helpful and aren’t always something to be afraid of.

Fevers are never a fun or pleasant experience, but remember, they help you fight off infection and keep your body strong.

Did you know the foods you eat can help you build a healthy immune system? Check them out here and see what you need to stock up on and what you already have in your pantry.

Disclaimer: The information and opinions presented here are for educational purposes only and are not a substitute for professional medical prevention, diagnosis, or treatment.

This information is not intended as medical advice, but rather a sharing of knowledge and information based on much research and experience. Only your healthcare provider, personal physician, or pharmacist can provide you with advice on what is safe and effective for your unique needs or diagnose your particular medical history. If you think you may be suffering from any medical condition, you should seek immediate medical attention.

The audience/reader is encouraged to do their own research to decide for themselves the validity of any of the information found in this presentation and related links.


  • VACCINES A REAPPRAISAL by Richard Moskowitz, MD